Menopause is a natural process that occurs gradually between the ages of 45 and 55. During this process we suffer a progressive and significant decrease in estrogen, a female sex hormone , which also intervenes in the metabolism of fats and cholesterol, reduces blood pressure and protects bones.
The decrease and cessation of estrogen production during the menopause process causes different symptoms that affect each woman differently (sleep disturbances, mood changes or difficulty maintaining an adequate body weight). In addition, it represents a loss of natural protection against cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis.
Oxidative stress plays a key role in the aging process. From the moment we are born, our body is responsible for producing antioxidants that neutralize the action of free radicals. As we age, this synthesis capacity decreases, our body is not able to neutralize the action of free radicals and the oxidative process accelerates. Thus we become more susceptible to suffering from some diseases.
Estrogens have an important antioxidant role, protecting us against the action of free radicals. It has been shown that a reduction in estrogen levels, as occurs in menopause, increases the levels of oxidative stress in the body and thus decreases our protection against certain diseases.